What Time is it Now ??

Here's the New Me

Regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009


I have good friends in High School, we are join a OSIS. till now, we usually hang-out or make a event together. every news about our school, we know it. They are so friendly and care. Always make to comfort and be solving problem. if we meet, we usually tell about anything, like gossip or our activities. one of my good friend be a Actor. he has still responsibility for always try to fall in. I proud of our relation. there 3 person was merried. have children. I hope, we can keep it relation till the end, Amin.
oh ya, we have nick name for call one by one.


  1. Me : Bunda
  2. Dhika : Ayah
  3. Mathius : Mathew
  4. Aji : AA
  5. Nita : Nitnul
  6. Retno : Nona
  7. Indah : Mami
  8. Ayu : Tante
Not all have a nick name, their name`s ( Aaron, Sari, Pudin, Faris, Neng, Ijul, Tomi, Ulfa, and Moncos).
we so respect with our religious diferent. Like Aaron and Mathew are cristian.

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