What Time is it Now ??

Here's the New Me

Regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

He Is a nice Boy

Doddy Wiraseto, I meet him when I first grade in our Campus. for first time, I think he is cool, don`t care, and misterius person. and all my predicteble is false. Doddy is a nice friend, care, and charming. heheheheh
Doddy is my best friend, so many people jealouse with our relation. everyday, I call him, and want to know about the new news..sometimes, Doddy is make me angry, he has bad character is forgeter ( pelupa). if he borrow something to me, he always forgeten for back again.
even Doddy always make me angry, I like him, I need him, He is nice boy, good friend and caring to me.
we hope, we will graduate our college together. Amin.

3 komentar:

Nova Fithra Sari mengatakan...

oh ya, sekedar informasi...
doddy jomblo lo, jadi kalau ada yang berminat...boleh tuh.

piss sangat dod.

ichpenc mengatakan...

doddy, dodyy,,,

Anonim mengatakan...

ah, ga minat sama si doddy, jiakakakakak..

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