What Time is it Now ??

Here's the New Me

Regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

As a GOOD Friend

have you ever know what the means of GOOD FRIEND???

GOOD FRIEND, as me and her????

or, as me and them??

I think its similar for labeling our relations with GOOD FRIEND...

"ternyata, pertemanan itu ga butuh ini yang namanya PIALA sebagai tanda bukti friends..

as a good friend just need a patient, and to understanding, to honest,

and all what we do from HEART...

it is not easy but not dificult also. it is so nice and fun if we can do it

with heart. dont be affraid if your friend leave you, WHY? because,

friend everywhere, everytime and everywhen.

2 komentar:

fadhil330305 mengatakan...

friendships are forever..
nice to have friends that we can share everything together with. we can depend on,for better or worse.
glad that you have such good friends.
may your friendships last forever..

Nova Fithra Sari mengatakan...


"May I friendship last forever???"

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