What Time is it Now ??

Here's the New Me

Regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow are twin thieves that rob us of the moment.

Jumat, 28 November 2008

I`m crazyabout this Legend, who?

Do You know Him????

" he is Barry Manilow "

Born on June, 17 1943.
Is an American singer song writer, musician, arranger, ext. he is very famous with him song. you know what? he created the new arrancement with him album. good news... Do you like jazz? he give a harmony of jazz in him new Album. The album`s name is "In Love with MANILOW" it easy listening and bossa nova tribute to legendary pop icon. OMG.... poor me, with Rp.119.000,- i get it. yes, its so expensive more than indonesian artist album. hehheheh

But, in fact, I always listening this album before go to bed almost every night, its so be calm of me, and make me smile with one of the song in this album "I can`t smile without you"... OH my God..

2 komentar:

fadhil330305 mengatakan...

aku jg suka barry..
kenal lagu2 barry dari mana?
kan jadul banget??

Nova Fithra Sari mengatakan...


Nova itu suka banget lagu2 nya barry, ga tau kenapa...
jadul bukan berarti jadul juga dong yang dengerin...

apalagi lagu2 yang dalam album terbarunya "manilow" wiuh, cool man!!!

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